
Showing posts from March 31, 2009

To Her Majesty

The first time that I read the book I was caught on guard. I was not ready. Why? Well, at some eras in your life you feel deeply for pity...... a victim. "My happiness does not depends on me..." "I have no choice".... "My hands are tied"...ect. ect... When I read it the second time I felt as a free princess, freeee... know that my happiness DOES depend on me, I choose intuitively to be around those who have purity for love and sensitivity that comes straight from their heart. a complex subject within my life now... I have fears.... fears to love, Fears from the reason that if I will be in it again, I will go backward to the first stage. The Victim. Badulina; is one of a kind book that I treasure.... I want to be strong enough to love again, differently... like it's written in the book: "Any one can be a king; any one can be a victim. The easiest choice is to be a victim."